"Empowering Excellence in Healthcare Education: Nurturing Future Healers"
Notice For FInal Exam
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Exam Date Announced

Final Year Exams of First , Second & Third years Students starts on 2080/08/21 at Prabishik shikshalaya, Gramin Chwok, Lahan-10, Siraha at 7:00 AM. Find your Exam Subjects Routine on Notice menu

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"Unlocking Limitless Horizons in Medical Education: Where Possibilities for Study Know No Bounds"
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Best Platform for further Studies

Medical Institute Lahan

“Discover the pinnacle of higher education at our institution, where academic excellence meets a nurturing environment. With world-class faculty and cutting-edge resources, we provide a transformative learning journey that equips students with the skills and knowledge to thrive in their chosen fields. Join us to embark on a path of limitless opportunities and personal growth.”

Courses and Study Porgram

PCL in Nursing

A Certificate Level Nursing is an introductory course designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of medical principles and practices.

PCL In General Medicine

A Certificate Level General Medicine Program is an introductory course designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of medical principles and practices.


Why Choose MIL......


MIL has gained notoriety for conveying top notch schooling and delivering equipped medical services experts who succeed in their professions since 2066 BS


Our alumni are popular, with a history of getting renowned work situations in driving medical care establishments universally.


A praiseworthy grant is granted to understudies who gets the best grades in the selection test and last year test of each program.


We endeavor to foster balanced people by underlining scholastic greatness as well as relational abilities, decisive abilities to reason, moral qualities, and a pledge to deep rooted learning.


MIL offers a broad organization of graduated class, staff, and industry accomplices, giving understudies significant associations and potential open doors for mentorship and expert development.


We urge our students to effectively draw in with the local area through chipping in, outreach projects, and medical services drives. This imparts a feeling of social obligation and compassion, imperative characteristics for medical care experts.

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Exam Announcement Final Year Exams of First, Second & Third years Students start on 2080/08/21 at Prabidhik shikshalaya, Gramin Chwok, Lahan-10, Siraha at 7:00 AM. Find your Exam Subjects Routine on Routine menu or click here to open the Exam Notices page.